For the first time (and possibly the last) we open the Rocky Stone mailbag to answer those questions you may have for our favorite detective. So, let's go straight away to the first question:
Donna H. of Olympia, WA writes: I read the entire story of The Lost Love and Rocky is with Gloria Hallward throughout it. Then the Christmas entry says that Rocky is getting engaged to this Sultry Vixen. What gives?
An interesting question, Donna, and easily answered. In the later story, Trouble Is My Breakfast, Rocky meets Sultry Vixen at the Club du Mal, a seedy downtown nightclub. He discovers she was the model that was on his office calendar. Things move forward from there and all of it is revealed in my book The Sinister Door.
As for Gloria Hallward, she reappears in the notebooks in the entries dated July of 1951. In that space of two years, Gloria has since married a man named Artemis Grahame, a polo-playing lawyer who solves mysteries on weekends.
Karl R. of Horseheads, NY says this: I have a question. At the beginning of The Lost Love, Rocky tells Pastor Hosea that he was “barking down the wrong snorkel.” Why would he put it that way?
I'm glad you asked that, Karl. It seems through the length of the notebooks, Rocky has a problem with words, particularly with metaphors, which he often mixes or sometimes outright destroys. The details of why he does this are covered in my book, The Sinister Door.
Dale K. of Murfreesboro, TN asks the question: There's this character named Nine Knuckles. It says he got that nickname cause his pinky froze up. But the human hand has two knuckles on each finger, so shouldn't he be called Eighteen Knuckles?
Go away, Dale.
If you have any questions or comments, please write to me at
Thanks for reading!

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