When we last left Rocky, Jesse Weller, wife of wealthy Frank Weller, had apparently drugged Dave, the delivery driver Rocky was assisting after a package Weller had sent suddenly went missing from Dave's truck. The action continues the entry in the Rocky Stone notebooks, dated April 25, 1949:
Jesse Weller was better looking than most. Her hair was a neat twirl of dark gold and her playful eyes were deep and inviting, but it was her body where she truly could garner attention and what's more, she knew it. She was lovely in her blue bathing suit, not too curvy and not too slim, but strong and firm, as if she put her swimming pool to good use. She stretched out and made me look at every inch of it. I was too busy trying to figure out if Dave was going to wake up or not as he lay lifeless on the concrete.
“He'll be fine,” she said, soothingly. “It will wear off in fifteen minutes or so and he won't remember a thing.”
“Like who stole the package he was supposed to deliver. He takes a drink, passes out, and somebody picks his pocket. He wakes up none the wiser.”
She pulled her knees in and twisted herself into a sitting position. She grinned at me. “You looked like the kind of man I could come to an understanding with. I only wish you had a little more time. Frankie will return soon, and he's very jealous.”
“We're not doing anything.”
“Yes,” she giggled, “but I'm sure we couldn't stay that way forever. Sooner or later, I would have to do something about it. Another time, another place. In the meantime, I'm sure I could give you something for your trouble.”
She approached me something like a jungle cat, her eyes full of fire and fury, stopping only when I could feel the heat of her presence against my body. Her head stood at my chest and I could feel her breath before she tilted her neck up to look at me directly in the eye. She wanted to see if I would crack but I wasn't about to. There's something about a married woman that's off-limits, no matter how casual she may feel about her husband. Something hit my hand. It felt like a wad of bills.
“Three hundred dollars for the both of you,” said Jesse Weller. “Nothing more needs to be said about it, does it?”
I could hear Dave groaning on the ground. The knock-out drops hit him hard this time, much harder than the first. I didn't know why she felt the need to steal a statue from her own husband but the three C-notes greasing my palm were the proof. I wasn't about to sit around and ask questions. I picked Dave up off the floor and he wobbled a bit but came to his senses in record time. Whatever she gave him wore off quick.
“Best we get going,” I said to her. “Pleasure meeting you, Ma'am.”
Jesse Weller nodded at me with a look that would have devoured me had I continued to stare.
When the road began to widen again and the houses began to reappear, I took the bills Jesse had given me out of my pocket and tossed them to Dave. He goggled at the sight of so much money in such a small package and nearly dropped it from the excitement.
“Have you got family?” I asked him.
“Just as well. Go home, get a few things. Only what you need. Take a bus to the train station and catch the first train out of town. I don't care where it goes. Find yourself a hotel in a quiet part of town and stay there. Don't go out, don't go near the windows. Bring a stack of books or a radio, whatever you need to amuse yourself. After a week, give me a phone call from a call box. You have my card.”
“W-what's going on?”
“I don't know. But you're in more trouble than I thought.”
Jesse Weller was better looking than most. Her hair was a neat twirl of dark gold and her playful eyes were deep and inviting, but it was her body where she truly could garner attention and what's more, she knew it. She was lovely in her blue bathing suit, not too curvy and not too slim, but strong and firm, as if she put her swimming pool to good use. She stretched out and made me look at every inch of it. I was too busy trying to figure out if Dave was going to wake up or not as he lay lifeless on the concrete.
“He'll be fine,” she said, soothingly. “It will wear off in fifteen minutes or so and he won't remember a thing.”
“Like who stole the package he was supposed to deliver. He takes a drink, passes out, and somebody picks his pocket. He wakes up none the wiser.”
She pulled her knees in and twisted herself into a sitting position. She grinned at me. “You looked like the kind of man I could come to an understanding with. I only wish you had a little more time. Frankie will return soon, and he's very jealous.”
“We're not doing anything.”
“Yes,” she giggled, “but I'm sure we couldn't stay that way forever. Sooner or later, I would have to do something about it. Another time, another place. In the meantime, I'm sure I could give you something for your trouble.”
She approached me something like a jungle cat, her eyes full of fire and fury, stopping only when I could feel the heat of her presence against my body. Her head stood at my chest and I could feel her breath before she tilted her neck up to look at me directly in the eye. She wanted to see if I would crack but I wasn't about to. There's something about a married woman that's off-limits, no matter how casual she may feel about her husband. Something hit my hand. It felt like a wad of bills.
“Three hundred dollars for the both of you,” said Jesse Weller. “Nothing more needs to be said about it, does it?”
I could hear Dave groaning on the ground. The knock-out drops hit him hard this time, much harder than the first. I didn't know why she felt the need to steal a statue from her own husband but the three C-notes greasing my palm were the proof. I wasn't about to sit around and ask questions. I picked Dave up off the floor and he wobbled a bit but came to his senses in record time. Whatever she gave him wore off quick.
“Best we get going,” I said to her. “Pleasure meeting you, Ma'am.”
Jesse Weller nodded at me with a look that would have devoured me had I continued to stare.
When the road began to widen again and the houses began to reappear, I took the bills Jesse had given me out of my pocket and tossed them to Dave. He goggled at the sight of so much money in such a small package and nearly dropped it from the excitement.
“Have you got family?” I asked him.
“Just as well. Go home, get a few things. Only what you need. Take a bus to the train station and catch the first train out of town. I don't care where it goes. Find yourself a hotel in a quiet part of town and stay there. Don't go out, don't go near the windows. Bring a stack of books or a radio, whatever you need to amuse yourself. After a week, give me a phone call from a call box. You have my card.”
“W-what's going on?”
“I don't know. But you're in more trouble than I thought.”
What can Rocky do to keep Dave from harm and discover the location of the missing package? Find out next week on The Adventures of Rocky Stone!

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